

  • St Paul, MN, USA

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For decades, we’ve been making a difference in the lives of those in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota. From a rich history built on empowerment and community, to our drive for excellence today, learn how Accord™ is leading the way forward.

At Accord, we make it possible for people living with disabilities or mental health to achieve their personal and career goals and live life to the fullest. We take a proven, evidence-based approach to improve personal outcomes and quality of life for adults and families in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota, offering a unique array of transformative programs and services delivered by dedicated, caring staff. We listen to their needs. We learn from their experiences. And we use those insights to lead the industry in person-centered care and support. We take a person-centered approach to everything we do. With consistent training in this area, we are the leaders when it comes to individual care and support.